Genital Warts (HPV): Symptoms and Treatment
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Category: STDs
Genital Warts are mainly spread through unprotected sexual contact and are caused by the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV), appearing on the genitals or rectal area as cauliflower-like growths, or as flat growths with stalks.
Anybody who engages in sexual intercourse without using a condom is at risk from infection, and these warts are a very common kind of S.T.I., particularly among young people in their twenties.
There are several kinds of HPV, some of which are associated with the early stages of cervical cancer: they do not usually hurt, but they may cause itching or a slight burning sensation. In fact, symptoms often go undetected, so it is extremely important for those at risk to have frequent check-ups for the presence of this disease.
A sudden and prolific eruption of genital warts could suggest a defect in the immune system, perhaps caused by HIV infection. Anyone affected should immediately contact their doctor.
what is the meaning of this test. heavy growth of candida albican.
What areas are effected? would it be on the buttocks are with in the inner checks, but not close to the anus. I shave and I can’t get rid of the out break of bumps. more as popped up.
what causes these disease?